#61 Time to understand how you work
Getting things done doesn’t need to be a lifelong struggle. In my pursuit of trying to find the differences between what makes me...
#60 The last conversation you'll ever need to have about maintaining routines
“And how often do you floss?” Fuck. I hate this question. I close my mouth and sit up in the dentist chair as my brain quicly starts...
#59 The first New Year's Resolution I'll actually stick to
There's this cartoon of Timone and Pumba me and my sister would watch when we were younger. Pumba would come up with a genius solution to...
#58 This is why you can't change
How do you know if someone is actually going to do what they say? When you promise yourself you’re going to complete your project this...
#57 You're not helping, you need help
There’s this concept in psychology called triangulation. It’s when a two-people problem seeks resolution, solution or a state of rest...
#56 When to-do-lists become intrusive thoughts
How are night-time intrusive thoughts so powerful? As I try to wind down my focus to (hopefully) be able to fall asleep at night, the...
#55 Why smart children become sad adults
There’s this concept in AI called overfitting (don’t be impressed by my knowledge, I had an amazing dinner with Brian Christian last...
#54 Hey, what's your default?
I don’t really know you, so this might seem like a forward question, but: do you feel worthy on unworthy by default? What state do you...
#53 Reward, Ridicule and Ruthlessness: Why you're too 'strong' to be successful
“Cut it the f*ck out, Elizabeth. I’m done with this whining. Get back to work and stop being such a stupid baby.” That’s me talking to...
#51 Sorry, but you have a gambling problem
Do you consider yourself a gambler? Thrill seeker? Irrationally impulsive? If you’re subscribed to this newsletter, both you and I...
#50 I’ll do anything for love (but not that)
Ok, I think I might be in a slightly abusive relationship with my job. Let me explain. Imagine you’re in a relationship with someone....
#49 The Abuse that Keeps on Giving
I heard somewhere that we all have the ability to make people feel the way we were made to feel when we were growing up. It stuck with...
#47 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Ambition
I was listening to the fifth Harry Potter book the other night and there’s a part where he realises he can drop Potions (a subject he...
#46 Tough love doesn’t always work
I no longer fully believe in ‘what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger’. I know this makes me a hypocrite, because I often do chase pain...
#45 You’re not indecisive, you have poor boundaries
How difficult is it for you to make choices? I’ve always known I’m bad with decision making, but it’s been disguised as me just being ‘an...
#44 An underrated source of happiness
The best way to figure out who someone really is, is to find out what upsets them. I’ve had to rethink friendships with people who are...
#43 Why I ignore my problems
Conventional wisdom tells us that the mature thing to do is to face our problems head on. That it’s immature and cowardly to run away...
#42 I want to have it all
“Something’s got to give. You can’t have it all. You have to make compromises in life.” When I was younger my parents would often tell me...
#41 How to be genuinely interesting in 2 minutes
Make people curious about your mind. Think of all the ways you’ve ever tried to stand out. We try to look a certain way, aspire for a...
#40 What do you owe your younger self?
iPhone photo “memories” are dangerous. My phone recently resurfaced a photo of a younger me and I became irrationally emotional. I tend...
#39 Do you need to fire yourself?
How many people are you managing within yourself? In my case, it’s quite a few. There’s Elizabeth the writer, Elizabeth the editor,...
#38 Do you have a Pride Dichotomy?
When does your pride for something you’ve done kick in? As someone who’s been programmed in black and white and overrides everything by...
#37 How to make anything enjoyable - here's how to achieve your New Year Goals
If you have New Year Goals you’re planning on working on, here is something that might help. My thought process is as follows: what makes...
My Annual Review Notion Template - 21 Questions for 2021
Heya, It’s the time of the year we have a great excuse to spend a few minutes reflecting (voluntarily or otherwise) on how the last 365...
#34 A friendship skill everyone should have
Heya! I had a brilliant week. I went for a work-getaway with two friends: we had a lot to do and thought it would all be much more fun if...